14 Steps to Awaken the Sacred Feminine

An invitation to form a "Magdalene Circle"
by Margaret Starbird and Joan Norton
The "14 Steps to Awaken the Sacred Feminine" workbook and guide invites you to form small groups or "circles" to explore your own spiritual journey using Mary Magdalene's "story" as a template for your own experience and spiritual "journey." Joan Norton is a Jungian therapist, and author of the book Mary Magdalene Within. Joan has been facilitating a "Magdalene Circle" for several years in Los Angeles. Based on this experience of women sharing in a small group, she and Margaret Starbird have collaborated to create this workbook to encourage formation of women's circles.
The "Magdalene Rosary"
Fully explained in this new book, we are encouraging the use of the inspired "Magdalene Rosary" developed by Margaret Starbird for her own use and now being shared with others interested in contemplating the life and mysteries of Mary Magdalene as a "template" for our own spiritual journey. The rosary is a spiritual tool honored by people of many faiths as a means to promote contemplation and connection with the "Sacred Feminine." The Magdalene rosary is based on 7 heptades of 7 beads. A prototype has been developed by Joan Norton's sister, Sally Norton, and is visible here: "Magdalene rosary prototype"
Sally has developed several versions of this "7 x 7" rosary which will be available from her website, or you can easily create your own "Magdalene" rosary with beads or knotted string.
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