Margaret starbird

Margaret Starbird holds BA and MA degrees from the University of Maryland where she concentrated in comparative literature, medieval studies, and German language, studies she pursued on a Fulbright Student Grant at the Christian Albrechts Universitat in Kiel, Germany. She taught German language classes at the University of Maryland for four years (1964-68) and for one year at North Carolina State University(1969-70). She later studied theology at Vanderbilt Divinity School in Nashville, TN (1988-89).
Margaret Starbird has lived and traveled widely in Europe including pilgrimages to Black Madonna and Mary Magdalene shrines and Cathar citadels in Provençe. Starbird and her husband of 54 years currently reside in the Pacific Northwest. They have five grown children and eleven grand-children. For many years, Starbird presented lectures nationwide as well as international seminars and retreats honoring the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Marriage at the core of the Christian story. Her interviews appear on various TV channels and some are available on-line. She is the author of 7 books:
The Woman with the Alabaster Jar (1993)
The Goddess in the Gospels (1998)
The Tarot Trumps and the Holy Grail (2000)
Magdalene’s Lost Legacy (2002)
The Feminine Face of Christianity (2002)
Mary Magdalene, Bride in Exile (2005)
14 Steps to Awaken the Sacred Feminine (2008, co-authored with Joan Norton, a Jungian therapist).
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